Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
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CERN´s supplier from Slovakia will employ hundreds of people
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXSylex, producer of fibre optic networks components plans to invest into new premises and employees. (Full article available in Slovak language.)
Unique automatized monitoring systems
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXSylex is the leading Slovak producer of optical cables systems with its own research and development centre for fibre optic sensors and sensing systems. It offers solutions in automatized monitoring systems based on its own fibre optic sensors. These ensure the construction and geological security of buildings, proved by many projects throughout the whole world. (Full article available in Slovak language.)
SMAR 2013
/v Všetky novinky, Eventy /od SYLEXDate: 9-11 September 2013
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Participation: Exhibitor
Representatives: Peter Lowy and Andrej Tichy
Schedule your meeting with our colleagues and we look forward to seeing you during this event.
ECOC 2013
/v Všetky novinky, Eventy /od SYLEXDate: 22-26 September 2013
Location: London, UK
Participation: Exhibitor
Representatives: Michal Goliaš and Juraj Šarišský
Schedule your meeting with our colleagues and we look forward to seeing you during this event.
/v Všetky novinky, Eventy /od SYLEXDate: 22–24 April 2013
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Participation: Exhibitor
Representatives: Andrej Tichy and Branislav Pikus.
Schedule your meeting with our colleagues and we look forward to seeing you during this event.
Survey: How do you perceive enterprising in the USA
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXThe US has their own standards, which are often different than European standards. European suppliers can enter the US market by offering not only the product but a whole package including quality, short lead times, technical support and customer service. (Full article available in Slovak language.)
We inherited only a single customer
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXThe most difficult moment for Sylex was the beginning of 2004, when our key-partner Molex walked off and Sylex was left with only one customer. Fortunately our employees strongly supported the company so it could survive even these difficult times. (Full article available in Slovak language.)
We had to privatize the company
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXSylex started as a Slovak-American joint venture. When the American partner Molex walked off, the Slovak partial owner bought the American share in the company and started to fight for a place in the market, where he was successful. (Full article available in Slovak language.)
The tragedy in Kurimany could have been avoided with our invention
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXThe tragedy in Kurimany could have been avoided by installing a special sensor, developed by the electro -technical company Sylex from Bratislava. This sensor would have been able to warn that the construction was moving. (Full article available in Slovak language.)
Slovak who interconnected the Atlantic by cables (video)
/v Všetky novinky /od SYLEXThe success story of Sylex operating in the progressive market of optical cables. (Full article available in Slovak language.)