Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
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Privacy Policy
Introducing the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III-based solutions
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od sylexadminTo cover the demand in the field of special market applications, SYLEX has extended its portfolio with the MIL-PRF-29504 type of solutions. Products based on this connectivity provide excellent mechanical and optical functionality in harsh environments such as Naval air systems, Avionics, Aircrafts and Land tactical.
SMA connector
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od sylexadminWe are pleased to present you a new product in a special product category – SMA assemblies. SMA connectors with stainless steel ferrules are being applied in many areas like Medical (Ophthalmic, Dermatologic, MRI), Spectroscopy (non-destructive testing), Data communication and even Military.
Renewed webpage
/v Všetky novinky, Blog, Prepojovacie riešenia /od sylexadminWe have recently launched an updated webpage for the Duralino fanout® trunk system. The new webpage offers a variety of different fanout options, a new structure of ordering codes, new drawings with links to cable datasheets, packaging specifications and other useful details. Another useful feature is the option we added to purchase Duralino fanouts® with grommets, which will help you to mount the fanout into different panels, boxes and enclosures.
Which connectivity serves 400G?
/v Všetky novinky, Blog, Prepojovacie riešenia /od sylexadminUniversal, state-of-the-art, future proof, industry tested and proven – these are the features that everybody looks for when connectivity is being planned for new high-density systems. Ticking all of these boxes is a dream for both the designers and the owners. Let’s have a look at Eduard’s article about the current interconnectivity possibilities for 400G and what insertion loss can be expected.
ECOC 2019
/v Všetky novinky, Eventy, Prepojovacie riešenia /od sylexadminSylex will be visiting the ECOC exhibition, taking place in Dublin, Ireland on 23–25 September 2019.
Schedule your meeting with our colleagues Michal Goliaš, Michal Vincze, Jozef Pavlov, Eduard Koza and Martin Ratkovský; we are looking forward to seeing you during this event….
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od sylexadminNeed to fix our Duralino fanout® in your rack? We are pleased to present you a new holder for our Duralino fanout® products – the D-holder. The only thing you have to do is screw the D-holder onto the rack. It is made out of aluminium, giving it the basic characteristics of lightness and…
/v Všetky novinky, Eventy, Prepojovacie riešenia /od sylexadminDate: 4 June 2019
Location: Cologne, Germany
Participation: Visitors
Attendants: Michal Goliaš, Eduard Koza and Michal Vincze
Schedule your meeting with our colleagues and we look forward to seeing you during this event.
ECOC 2018
/v Všetky novinky, Eventy, Prepojovacie riešenia /od SYLEXDate: 23–27 September 2018
Location: Rome, Italy
Participation: Visitors
Attendants: Juraj Šarišský, Jozef Pavlov and Eduard Koza
Schedule your meeting with our colleagues and we look forward to seeing you during this event.
Is the 24 fibre connectivity method really clear?
/v Všetky novinky, Blog, Prepojovacie riešenia /od SYLEXA number of legacy data centres were designed for 10G application where the backbone was based on MPO 12-fibre connectors. The previous version of the TIA standard (TIA-568-C3) described three basic connectivity methods A, B and C, which all companies adopted and implemented into their projects over time. The situation became more difficult when companies designed data centres for 40G and 100G and designed backbone networks with MPO connectors with 24 fibres.
Simple polarity and gender reconfiguration
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXDespite the precise planning work of network designers, it may prove necessary to change the gender of MPO connectors in the field from male to female and vice versa. It can also happen that not only a gender change but also a polarity change from A to B is necessary in order to make the network live.