Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
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Robust, flexible and thin at the same time
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXSome fiber optic connections have to be more reliable and downtime-proof than standard cabling. Examples include backbone links, connections in rural areas or difficult-to-reach and operate places such as antennas or places which require special access permission.
Use your multifiber connections in a harsh environment
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXMPO/MTP connectivity-based products are well known and established, especially in the Telecom and Datacom part of the industry. The mature technology of the multi-fiber connector allows its usage also in a non-standard environment where a level of IP protection is required.
Downsizing in Fiber-Optics
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXDownsizing: making the things smaller – a recent trend in a variety of industries, fiber optics not excluded. Today we introduce MTP patch cables with reduced cable diameters…
CORPULL – An innovative approach for installing fiber-optic assemblies
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXThe new pulling system from Sylex will conserve the most valuable assets of every installation company: time and money. With a totally different point of view on the deployment process of pulling pre-terminated assemblies, you can increase the speed of installation and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
WENDY system
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXSylex is introducing a new high-density carrier solution for both Telco and Datacenter projects – the WENDY system. This system offers four available carriers with a variety of modules that can carry MTP assemblies, pigtails ready for conventional splicing or even adapter plates for installation of factory pre-terminated cable assemblies. The WENDY system offers flexible cross-connect capabilities as well as convenient cable guidance.
Fiber Optic cabling onsite repair
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXDespite the precise planning work of network designers, it may prove necessary to change the gender of MPO connectors in the field from male to female and vice versa. It can also happen that not only a gender change but also a polarity change from A to B is necessary in order to make the network live.
A small fanout solution for ribbon cables
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od mcp.developer2Despite the precise planning work of network designers, it may prove necessary to change the gender of MPO connectors in the field from male to female and vice versa. It can also happen that not only a gender change but also a polarity change from A to B is necessary in order to make the network live.
New SYLEX packaging for 1U Patch panels
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXThe product requires equally effective packaging in order to be the best. SYLEX has developed a new packaging for one of their bestselling products – 1U 19” patch panels. With this new strong and solid packaging made of cardboard the patch panels are well protected against being dropped or crushed, against vibrations and possible damage caused during transport.
Ruggedized 24-fiber assemblies
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXSYLEX extends the MTP and Duralino trunk products’ portfolio by adding double-jacket 24-fiber round cable, which offers additional mechanical protection.
Duralino trunk system
/v Všetky novinky, Prepojovacie riešenia, Produkty a riešenia /od SYLEXFactory pre-terminated trunk cables with Duralino fanout is the best option for you.