Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
Sylex s.r.o.
Mlynské luhy 31
821 05 Bratislava
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Privacy Policy
Practical guide to polarity selection
/v Blog, Všetky novinky /od sylexadminAn ideal multifibre optical harness is expected to have perfect visual aspect of polished fibres, excellent end face geometry and exceptional optical parameters. The fourth essential criterion is the correct connection of the individual fibres within the erminated connectors.
On-board optics – How it is connected to the outside world
/v Všetky novinky, Blog /od sylexadminThe fibers are getting closer and closer to the chipset. Bringing the data by light to the point where it is centrally processed is one of the main goals of architecture designers. What are the current possibilities for this? Which media types are available? What should one focus on when looking for interconnection solution? This article gives you the answers to these question,
MMF or BIMMF alias legacy fibre vs. bend-insensitive fibre in master jumpers
/v Blog, Všetky novinky /od sylexadminAs technology goes forward, some inventions replace others and the replaced inventions become legacy products. This also applies for fibre optics. More and more companies are using BIMMF (bend-insensitive multimode fibre) nowadays and it is harder and harder to buy regular MMF (multimode fibre) because it is a legacy product. This is something that shouldn’t matter, but it does.
Renewed webpage
/v Všetky novinky, Blog, Prepojovacie riešenia /od sylexadminWe have recently launched an updated webpage for the Duralino fanout® trunk system. The new webpage offers a variety of different fanout options, a new structure of ordering codes, new drawings with links to cable datasheets, packaging specifications and other useful details. Another useful feature is the option we added to purchase Duralino fanouts® with grommets, which will help you to mount the fanout into different panels, boxes and enclosures.
Which connectivity serves 400G?
/v Všetky novinky, Blog, Prepojovacie riešenia /od sylexadminUniversal, state-of-the-art, future proof, industry tested and proven – these are the features that everybody looks for when connectivity is being planned for new high-density systems. Ticking all of these boxes is a dream for both the designers and the owners. Let’s have a look at Eduard’s article about the current interconnectivity possibilities for 400G and what insertion loss can be expected.
Is the 24 fibre connectivity method really clear?
/v Všetky novinky, Blog, Prepojovacie riešenia /od SYLEXA number of legacy data centres were designed for 10G application where the backbone was based on MPO 12-fibre connectors. The previous version of the TIA standard (TIA-568-C3) described three basic connectivity methods A, B and C, which all companies adopted and implemented into their projects over time. The situation became more difficult when companies designed data centres for 40G and 100G and designed backbone networks with MPO connectors with 24 fibres.
CPR regulation goes into effect
/v Všetky novinky, Blog /od SYLEXCPR, also known as the “Construction Products Regulation” – one of the most recently discussed topics in the European fiber optic community – has been in effect since 1 July 2017.
CPR means Construction Products Regulation – a new regulation for cable usage
/v Všetky novinky, Blog /od SYLEXYou may have heard about CPR in recent days; herewith we’d like to explain in a condensed form what CPR is and how this regulation impacts businesses with cable products.
24-fiber MPO/MTP solution – still an attractive approach
/v Všetky novinky, Blog /od SYLEXMulti-fiber connectivity is one of the hottest talking points in fiber optic connectivity. Many white papers, webinars and blogs lean heavily toward the 12-fiber approach. It can easily be overlooked that there are other multi-fiber solutions available as well. We can cite Cisco Systems as an example of an industry leader that decided to set up some new products based on 24-fiber MPO connectors. In this article we’ll take a look at the interconnection which forms the backbone of such a system.
New extension of Sylex’s premises
/v Všetky novinky, Blog /od SYLEXSylex is pleased to announce that this year it has accomplished the first stage of its plan to extend the premises by investing more than 3 million €. The new buildings are integrated into the original premises and bring a capacity of 1100 pallet spaces in a new central warehouse, and a production floor space of 3.900 square meters, which corresponds to a production floor area increase of 150%. All this provides a great opportunity to achieve higher capacity, efficiency and productivity.